My ADopted baby....(",)

Tuesday, January 11

It has been a month but it feels like we've known each other for a long time.
It is wonderful to know that in this world somebody cares and loves more than you love them.

My days are even wonderful and much colorful now that I have you "di"

Thanks for this cute little gift you had given me for Christmas! Our little baby..

I sure will take good care of her.

Just that I thought of takin her with me at work.
She looks cute at my station di.. ;-)

Look at her o! All wraped in plastic.. hehe.. But don't you worry she still can breathe! Lolz!

 Evee at my station... ;)

A closer look at Evee.. 

The sight of her not only brightens my station but my day as well!

that's meh.. busy takin her photos.. (wala magawa talaga c timoy!)

Thanks timoy for the other pics! ;-)


1 comment

  1. that is our baby evee, thanks for caring mami grace...
