Online Marketing Venture

Wednesday, November 23

It has been such a long time since I planned on trying out online marketing.

Online Marketing has been really a trend this days especially with the onset of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Multiply and the like.
I never thought making money would be a hit! Well, just now I am becoming a "suki" of some online shops for local businesses here in Cebu City.

You know, fashion never goes out in time, its just like travelling the long winding road that has no end.
Style never goes out and just like history, will repeat itself.

Recently, I have venture finally into this thing I have perking about a long time ago.
I just had to buy a laptop, an inexpensive digital camera and a broadband internet. And Whoola! I am all set.

By the way, I needed a name for my online shop. So here I am, finally made up a cool name for my site or for my online store. I named it Xena's. to the Warrior princess says strong and determined warrior of style, cool huh? 

 Yeah it's called XENA'S Thriftshoppe. And here's that picture that goes with it.. Just simple one to capture the theme of my store not that really trendy but classy. :)

Yeah, so there I had all the things I needed. :)
I am all set. Hopefully, I get to serve the stylish finds in town to cater my soon-to-be customers.  

I just opened my first ever Collection HERE.

I hope you could drop by my store, too and LIKE our page!

See yah around and Happy Shopping! 


  1. thank you for your post and good luck with your new business venture! Online marketing is going stronger than ever these days! :) come also (drop a line!) please visit my blog. you can find it at

  2. hello tndcallphilippines! Thanks for that wonderful comment of yours... please do follow my blog...
    sure i'll be visiting your blog <3
