Hashtag RIP Dolphy

Wednesday, July 11

The comedy king of the Philippines no other than Mr Pidol himself has passed away last night at exactly 8:43pm. As I was doing my nightly ritual half bath i was surprised to see my fiance read a text message from a common friend of ours which read 'patay na c dolphy' (Dolphy is dead).

To that i quickly instructed my brother to open the TV and watch for news for confirmation.
And it was it, CONFIRMED! The comedy king we all adore and respect had passed away to cardiac arrest.
He was 83. The one thing that really uttered out of my mouth were the words, "patay na jud c dolphy" (dolphy is really dead now.) and just like anybody else whose childhood went from the 90's i came to know of him as that old man on prime time TV with the name 'kevin cosme' in home along DA riles. Remembering the old times, my innocent laughs as a child and my affection for him and his family on that sitcom. I hope abscbn gets to pay tribute by airing the episodes.

I will surely miss him. Nonetheless, he has touched the lives of many Filipinos for decades.
he will be forever in my memories and that melody, 'home along DA riles, home along DA riles' keeps on buzzing in my ears just like an LSS song one cannot forget. 

To Mang Kevin, Pidol, Mang Dolphy, May you rest in peace with the Lord God.
Thank you for the laughter. 'problema ay may remedy, kapag may konting comedy.' indeed.

Here is a statement of his son eric quizon which i got from twitter since it trended even worldwide.

Till then,

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