Mine? a bit busy managing time between family life, corporate slave life and my blogging life.
As you can see this post has been long going on my drafts page. =)
Finally, I have the time to post about my being nominated for the Leibster Blog Award!

What is the Liebster Blog Award?
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
“Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the“favorite blog award” then. The rules for this one state that you answer the 11 questions asked by the Blogger who gave you this award.
In order to accept this prestigious award, one must abide by the list of rules which are:
Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you must create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.
Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
Go to their page and inform them of the nomination
Absolutely NO tags back. Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 followers.
Since I have been tagged by three lovely ladies, I will be doing this in one go?
I will try my best to answer each of their questions.
I will start with the ELEVEN things about me:
1. I am the eldest amongst four siblings.
2. I am the family's breadwinner since 2008 and I have gone more mature since then. Lots of problems but I try my very best to overcome them.
3. I love makeup. I dont know but I sometimes cant resist them.
4. I am a frustrated designer. My mom is a dressmaker and I have designed all my dresses for graduation since elementary years. (i wish i could post them soon here on my blog).
5. I am an Electronics and Communications Engineering graduate. =)
6. I am a mother.
7. I love to purchase Ukay Ukay finds online. =)
8. I love Rihanna, she's my fashion icon. I've been a fan since 2005.
9. My dream is to travel to New York the concrete jungle!
10. I can't swim. I can't bike. I am afraid of heights.
11. I am a walking dead TV series addict! =)
Questions from Milna:
1. Do you wear makeup everyday? No, occasionally only
2. Most favorite makeup product (only 1) My lip balm :)
3. iphone or BB(blackberry)? iphone
4. Favorite body products? Lotions VS
5. Favorite perfume/cologne? VS pear glace perfume, sweet honesty by AVON
6. Where do you usually hangout? ayala in cebu
7. Boyfriend/Girlfriend vs. Bestfriends? Bestfriends
8. What/Who are you for the next 5 years? a full pledged business woman ? :)
9. MAC or Nars? NARS
10. Moisturizer or toner? toner
11. eyeliner or mascara? mascara but i love both =)
Maria's questions:
How did you get interested in blogging? just want to express my thoughts on an online space that's how it all started.
When is your blog's anniversary? I forgot the exact date but the year is 2009.
How did you come up with the name of your blog? Random things only =) It was my personal blog then.
If you could start all over in life, would you change anything? Nope.
What is the most exciting thing you’ve ever done? Ziplining!
Do you believe in true love and destiny? Nope. But i believe that things happen for a reason and because you fought for it.
Sailboat or cruise ship? Cruise ship. I am afraid of sailing coz I cant swim.
If a genie will grant you 3 wishes, what would it be? Nothing. I am contented.
How old were you before you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Never, I still believe in him. =)
Where is your ideal holiday destination? off to the islands of Bantayan
Describe yourself in three word. Analytic. Introvert. Sentimental
Elizabeth's questions:
What made you start blogging? just want to express my thoughts on an online space that's how it all started.
What blogs are you always stalking (name up to three)? What's Up kaith, It's a lovely day, The Misty Mom
Favourite clothing shop? Ukay Shopeteer
Lots of cheaper clothes or one expensive item? One expensive item
Five things that make you happy? Rainbow, my baby's smile, icecream, makeup,
Favourite piece of clothing you own? my Ukay skirt
Favourite thing to do on a rainy day? bathe in it
Describe yourself in 5 words? analytic, sentimental, introvert, innovative, friendly
What advice would you give now to yourself when you started blogging? to be able to touch the blogosphere one post at a time
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? gift giving, Jesus' Birth, sharing the love!
My Questions:
1. when did you start blogging?
2. what is your favorite piece of clothing?
3. sunshine or rainy days?
4. lipgloss or lip balm?
5. what makes you happy?
6. what makes you sad?
7. do love to travel? dream destination?
8. what is your ultimate makeup find?
9. fave facial care?
10. fave skin care?
11. what blogs are you stalking (at least 3)?
The Blogger i am tagging:
1. keeza
2. hannah
3. shifa
4. lovely
5. beauty as a lifestyle
6. ms nessy
7. miss jhoang
8. jennifer
9. Misha
10. andrea d.
11. shuikay
Hope you had fun! congratulations ladies!
1. when did you start blogging?
2. what is your favorite piece of clothing?
3. sunshine or rainy days?
4. lipgloss or lip balm?
5. what makes you happy?
6. what makes you sad?
7. do love to travel? dream destination?
8. what is your ultimate makeup find?
9. fave facial care?
10. fave skin care?
11. what blogs are you stalking (at least 3)?
The Blogger i am tagging:
1. keeza
2. hannah
3. shifa
4. lovely
5. beauty as a lifestyle
6. ms nessy
7. miss jhoang
8. jennifer
9. Misha
10. andrea d.
11. shuikay
Hope you had fun! congratulations ladies!
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