Why Do I Wear Make-Up?

Wednesday, November 7

(source: Google) 

I’ve read this beauty post tag from  Sharna. I loved reading the post and as I was about to answer the question, I kept thinking really why? Well, obviously every girl loves to look pretty and attractive. That is why, for me “make up” is God’s gift to women. (“,) would you agree? It gives us that feeling of confidence about ourselves as we face other people each day especially with working moms like me.  So why not share with you this post and do my tag as well.

1. When did you begin loving make up?

As far as I can remember, my first encounter with make up was when I was still 5 years old.  well, my aunt used to place makeup on my face and dress me up like I was some sort of a doll.. back at school, I was a dancer, and you know the trick to fancy our already pretty faces , are but a dub of powder, lipstick and blush-ons... I just love looking pretty, if I was really. From that time I was a teenager I got myself quite comfortable wearing just lipgloss and a little powder on my face. I started wearing makeup occasionally when I reached college.

2. How do you feel without make-up? 

Most of the time I don’t do make ups especially at home or when I go out strolling at the mall or when I reun for errands. I just put on little powder and lipgloss just so I look presentable and to feel confident with myself.
I do wear makeup to work I dab on a little powder from AVON (ideal luminous pressed powder) in Oriental, a little lipgloss from AVON (simply pretty) in coral sparkles, blush on from AVON (simply pretty) in blooming peach and a little mascara on my eyelashes. Whenever I don’t wear them I feel naked on the face. Most of them are from AVON since I am a loyal user since I am also an AVON Dealer. (Which reminds me I will be posting a review on the products soon here).

3. What do you like about make-up?  

Yes, I agree with Sharna  I also love the fact that make up makes us look good and bring out our facial features when we apply them properly on the face.  And yeah, it also lifts up our moods most of the time and gives us that sense of completeness and confidence about ourselves.

4. Three 'Holy Grail' Products?

These three items are the things I wished I had so I can also see its effect on my face.

Etude BB foundation and concealer
AVON eyeshadow quad in smoky eyes
MAC lipstick in pink

I am also tagging every lady out there like me who also love to look pretty to share their thoughts. I enjoyed doing this tag with Sharna so if you’ll do this on your blog leave a comment so I can check them out as well.

Till Then,


  1. love your post! Etude's BB cream is really nice! Give it a try too ^_^

  2. Hi Maria! thanks for reading my post. i enjoyed doing this tag. hope you'll post too i'll be much happy to read. Sure i'll give Etude BB cream a try. I've actually been dying to have one.. ;)
