All I Want for Christmas

Thursday, December 13

Hi everyone!

How is your day today?
Mine's been very busy lately. Company parties here and there.
But Finally, I've got my self into blogging again. Pardon me for not having to update this blog for quite some time already.

Today's blog post is about my Christmas Wishlist. Everyone of us share the same feeling of wanting to have that certain something for us to receive in this season, right?

My blogger friend Maria of Super Wander Girl tagged me in this post. Thanks Maria!

Down to my wishlist... :)

A Complete set of make up brush.

Urban Decay Palettes =)

A DSLR camera to take really nice photos

My own sewing machine for those fancy creations

and finally.... my own pair of memorata pumps..................... lovely............

photo credits:

That is it! my christmas wish ... :)

How about you?
What do you want for Christmas???

Till then XO,


  1. I love the polka dot shoes!!! So cuuuuute!!!

  2. Ang bongga nun shoes!! I want that too!! And the hello kitty sewing machine is super cute.. May your wishes come true! Happy Christmas!

  3. Hi Joanne thanks for dropping by my blog.. yeah the shoes are to die for hehe
    Happy Christmas din!!!

  4. Nako I've been wanting to have the Naked Palettes din! My fingers are crossed for us both!! :)

    Infinite Elegance

  5. Bongga ng shoes! But I love gadgets more kaya go for the DSLR, hope makamit mo wishes mo! ;)
