The things I wished I had known and done Before and after Giving Birth

Tuesday, May 14

Hi expectant Moms out there!

Being a mom-to-be and planning for your Maternity days ahead is not easy. Moms out there should take into consideration a lot of things. Most of us first time moms are often seeking for some inputs from our Moms, friends and even colleagues about whether to get a Maternity Package (read my post on that here), have a Private Doctor (OB-Gyne) and what Maternity Benefits we can avail from our Company Insurance or the question if we can avail of the Philhealth Benefits, for that matter other expenses that goes and comes out even before you realize it.

To avoid further headaches about the Post Maternity tasks, I'd like to share with you some of the things I wished I had known before I gave birth.

  1. Prepare yourself for unexpected things especially with your new born baby. (unplanned expenses for baby's needs or other diagnosis or complications after birth)
  2. Have a Pediatrician whom you like and trust. (comes after delivery OB will turn your baby over to the Pedia for care and further New born tests.)
  3. Accomplishing the post-maternity papers. if your baby has certain birth acquired disease have your MDR (philhealth member data record updated to reflect him/her to avail of the benefits)
  4. Save up some cash for unplanned hospital and personal expenses for medicines, baby's nursery needs like infant formula (milk).
  5. Be familiar with the Insurance Benefits (your company Health Care Provider) for your coverage of benefits.
  6. Always keep a copy of the Philhealth Claim Form 1 if your employed to avail of Philhealth claims.
  7. Always prepare yourself for the first time breastfeeding for your baby if you are a first time mother. Some weeks may be frustrating due to less milk that comes out but patience is key after all our baby's health is our main concern.
  8. Prepare maternity things like napkins, tissue, waist band (used for those who undergone CS).
  9. Be emotionally stable, prepare yourself from inflex of mixed emotions (happy, stress, pain, tears,post maternity hormonal imbalances) 
  10. Be strong for your baby and know that your family and loved ones will be there for you but not depend everything to them, eat right and stay healthy for the baby.
Hope you find this post helpful.
have a great day and thanks for reading!

Till my next post!

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