Sinulog 2014: Security Tips

Tuesday, January 14

Here are some few personal security tips for the coming Sinulog that I'd like to share with you...  Pit Senyor!!!

This guide is full of tips that can help you avoid becoming a victim of a crime when you are out and about enjoying the solemn procession or the street party. By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk to yourself, and also discourage those who commit crime. Bear in mind that a lot of other people are coming to visit and watch the celebration, this may include bad elements.

Sinulog 2014 Schedule 
Sinulog 2014 Traffic Schedule

Be prepared
  • Always be alert and aware of the people around you.
  • Educate yourself concerning prevention tactics.
  • Be aware of locations and situations which would make you vulnerable to crime, such as alleys and dark parking lots.
Street precautions
  • Be alert to your surroundings and the people around you, especially if you are alone.
  • Whenever possible, travel with a friend.
  • Stay away from very crowded areas as much as possible.
  • Walk confidently, and at a steady pace.
  • Make eye contact with people when walking.
  • Do not respond to conversation from strangers on the street, continue walking.
  • If you carry a purse, hold it securely between your arm and your body.
  • If you carry a Camera or any electronic devices with you, make sure it is attached to your body with a use of a sling.
Car safety
  • Always lock car doors after entering or leaving your car.
  • Park in well maintained areas.
  • Have your car keys in your hand so you don't have to linger before entering your car.
  • Check the back seat before entering your car.
  • If you think you are being followed, drive to a public place or a police, or fire station.
  • Don't stop to aid motorists stopped on the side of the road. Go to a phone and request help for them.
  • Lexmark Parking area is open for employees.
Additional Tips
  • Avoid bringing too much valuables while enjoying the Street Party.
  • Wear comfortable clothes, shirts, pants, etc. . . .
  • Don't forget to bring your own bottled water, if you need to buy one, buy from a reliable source.
  • Don't invite trouble — keep gold chains out of sight; don't flash your jewelry; and turn your rings around so the stones don't show.
If a crime occurs – report it!
Everyone should consider it his/her responsibility to report crime. Many criminals target favorite areas and have predictable methods of operation. When you report all the facts about a crime, it helps the police assign officers in the places where crimes are occurring or where they are most likely to occur. At least one out of two crimes in the United States goes unreported, either because people don't think the police can do anything about it, or because people don't want to get involved. If you don't report crime, this allows the criminal to continue to operate without interference. 


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