Manila Trip ( Day 1 )
Wednesday, May 28
hello mommsies!
back again to blog about my latest travellations at the Northern part of Luzon. =)
the office mate just got engaged and they finally tied the knot last Sunday May 25, 2014.
A call for celebration! and we already booked the tickets months ahead and availed of the promo from Cebu Pacific. Days before departure I already made sure that I won't get lost. haha And so there, I printed the maps. =)
Day 1 - Itinerary
9:15 pm - Departure (Ceb - Mnl)
10:55 pm - Arrival (Mnl Naia term 3)
12:00 pm - Arrival at the Hotel
9:15 pm - Departure (Ceb - Mnl)
10:55 pm - Arrival (Mnl Naia term 3)
12:00 pm - Arrival at the Hotel
I was both excited and worried. yeah, this is my first time ever - to travel outside of UBEC.
I was really anxious thinking that I will be leaving my Adi behind with his situation.
Anyways, I won't be talking much I just wanted to share some of the photos I took at the Airport and the Hotel where we stayed in.
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me. trying to smile despite the worries. excited and at the same time anxious. WHAT I WORE: ( Top: Pink Lolita, Leggings from SM Department Store, Shoes: World Balance, BAG: Habagat ) |
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a few shots of my colleagues who were waiting too at Mactan airport Domestic Departure Area as well |
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boarded the plane! finally ... Read some of the magazines... =) |
Overall, I loved this hotel. Very clean and cozy. enough space for us and the three kiddos. =)
You can also check out their website here.
5 Frugal Tips for the Working Mommies
Wednesday, May 21
As a working mom, the best way to maximize our earnings is being frugal.
After all, we have to leave our beloved little darlings at home every day to earn a decent income and be able to sustain it for their needs.
We must be able to manage our money wisely and make the most of our hard-earned moolah, right?
It only takes discipline and a strong willing determination combined with the tough love we have for our little munchies that we have been striving these all for.
There are tips and mantras that we all can live by and make them a habit. Hurray to a more Frugal Lifestyle. More Happiness and a lesser stressed face. =)
1. Eliminate impulsive buying on your credit cards.
I am a victim, as of the moment, I still have a balance on my current ccard.
But I am getting there, One tip. Do not use your credit card to pay online for useless purchases. Think Needs! not wants. Never use it when it is not really needed. Never bring one with you during malling.
Use it only for emergencies. Remember: EMERGENCIES.
So good luck to me =)
2. Bringing LUNCH BAON to work.
I have been sticking to this just recently. I am buying my food at the affordable carenderia outside our place.
The viand is just around 10 to 20 pesos. Will really save me money if I buy at the workplace cafeteria, since the viand costs about 20 to 40 pesos. I also get to eat really healthy home made food. spell nomnom.
3. Going UKAY UKAY Shopping.
Thrift shopping is way cooler and can save you a lot of money. Plus these stores offers a lot of fashion finds from dresses, vintage shoes, bag and others. Read about some of my Ukay Haul Adventure around Cebu here.
4. Have your grocery list ready.
Always shop with that list. And learn to discipline your self when making purchases.
This way you can gain more from your money and buy only those things needed. My take on these is not easy but I am slowly also using this tool and it has helped me control my spending and my budget. I use my smartphone to have that list as well, so it becomes really handy.
5. Refrain from being online or using FACEBOOK
If you're a person who is easily persuaded by what the eyes sees, then better put down your facebook and get down to your household chores. Facebook is very deceptive. It deceives you of what reality is and what true happiness really is. It is not about the places, the great clothes, the fabulous life that your fb friends are having on your feed, it is about connection. If it's not getting the best for you, then get over it. and Smile! =)
I did this and soon became happier and not bothered about the material things my fb friends are posting on their walls/ timeline. =)
Good Luck momsies!
Let me know your tips as well. =)
Nesting for the Family
Monday, May 19
It's here.
I am finally blogging about the dream.
A dream of having my own home. with the family. with my family to be.
Allen and I had Adi two years ago. We were not married.
And we had our fair share of struggles. But we have overcome those challenges. Our love against the odds.
having a home, where we can call our own is our dream. every new family's dream.
We are now one of them. I have grown in not so well off family here in the Philippines.
We had a simple house but the lot was not ours. We rented for it. For 27 years now. same age as me.
We rented it for PHP300 pesos a month.
Well, to cut the story short, Allen and I decided to acquire a Lot near our place. In Consolacion, Cebu.
It is still under development and it's cheaper now compared to buying a furnished house and lot.
We cannot afford one so we opted for a lot. a 100-sq m lot.
payable for 5 years.
I mean it is but a great deal. i payed for the reservation and the equity. I am glad that Allen helped me out as well.
We may have meager ways of living but this will be our long term goal.
We are on our Sixth month and it'll be four years and six months more to go before we can finally call the Lot our own.
We are excited and we will do everything we can to reach that goal.
Crossing my fingers!
To God be the Glory.
I was lucky enough to know a very good broker.
You can avail of their service as well here.
I am finally blogging about the dream.
A dream of having my own home. with the family. with my family to be.
Allen and I had Adi two years ago. We were not married.
And we had our fair share of struggles. But we have overcome those challenges. Our love against the odds.
having a home, where we can call our own is our dream. every new family's dream.
We are now one of them. I have grown in not so well off family here in the Philippines.
We had a simple house but the lot was not ours. We rented for it. For 27 years now. same age as me.
We rented it for PHP300 pesos a month.
Well, to cut the story short, Allen and I decided to acquire a Lot near our place. In Consolacion, Cebu.
It is still under development and it's cheaper now compared to buying a furnished house and lot.
We cannot afford one so we opted for a lot. a 100-sq m lot.
payable for 5 years.
I mean it is but a great deal. i payed for the reservation and the equity. I am glad that Allen helped me out as well.
We may have meager ways of living but this will be our long term goal.
We are on our Sixth month and it'll be four years and six months more to go before we can finally call the Lot our own.
We are excited and we will do everything we can to reach that goal.
Crossing my fingers!
To God be the Glory.
I was lucky enough to know a very good broker.
You can avail of their service as well here.
Momma Guilt: What I did wrong...
Talking to my son...
It has been a challenge. A constant one lately.
Adi has acquired a skin disease recently out of the frequent itchiness and one that's out of the summer heat.
we had brought him to the pedia for the last couple of weeks and had been inducing antibiotics on him.
the rigid process of having to force Adi to drink the meds is frustrating - but i learned to master it in a way.
I gave him water afterwards, just so the bitterness won't stay on the taste buds.
The big ones in that picture went away after seven days.
There were puss. I couldn't stand looking at his situation. what my little baby boy is going through.
But i just reassured myself that everything will be okay. that all the irritabilities he is having.
the sleepless nights of having to cradle him to sleep after he's woken up by the itchiness.
i'm thankful for Allen's patience and constant reminders.
my mom's never ending support for me all through out the process.
Lately, momma brought Adi to the Bisaya healer, 'Binisaya', 'paspasan ug dahon'. is what we call it.
Adi will get yet another stroke of these again after that incident long ago when he has hid rashes on the neck.
ate soledad said, 'ugahip man ni!' (this is ugahip).. and the puss needs to go out and the blood.... i was at home catching
some sleep and momma brought him there.
I wished for it to go away!
The dreadful thing on Adi's forehead.
sometimes, i just have to endure all of it!
talking to Adi now, in a slow and in a more 'lambing' way. (I have learned that He responds more to it. He stays calm and sleeps soundly. and that makes me an accomplished mom to him, I feel great that I was able to do it. That I was able to control and refrain myself from shouting at him, that I'd be more tender towards him. )
A soothing moment for him. Reassuring him that everything will be Okay.
That WE will be OKAY.
I will be posting pics of the Handamay leaves soon... and the rest of Adi's journey until the healing of his ugahip.
DIY Wedding Wednesday: Simple Wedding Invite
Wednesday, May 14
Another DIY design inspired from tutorial.
I have been raving about the cute fonts, layout, templates and themes from PICMONKEY.
I recently upgraded my account to Royale, since it has been like forever that I have been meaning to
finally get a hold of the cute layouts and fonts. For only 4.99 dollars, well I finally gave it a try.
That is roughly 200 plus pesos a month on my bill via EW credit card. (you also have
the option to change or cancel your membership on your account)
I have seen a lot of inspirations from their site and took advantage of the opportunity
of honing my artistic side. lols
I might as well save some moolah and the thought of personalizing some designs would be ecstatic and
really cool. right?
Here's one I have created my self based on their tutorial.
I shared the masterpiece with Allen and he was just thrilled as well. =)
Now I can do my own invites, gift tags and more through the Royale Membership.
If you want to take a look at some of the wedding tutorials and inspiration, please click HERE.
have you tried picmonkey, too? Please share them on the comment box below.
Thanks for reading!
MoalBoal: Chasing sunsets
Tuesday, May 13
what cool way to relax than to take the day off with the team at the warm beach of moalboal, cebu? great fun and adventure! :)
15 things I should give up on
Wednesday, May 7
Because parenthood and being a momma has been very CHALLENGING for me lately...
Stumbling onto this post by CAROL TUTTLE , has taught me a lot about ways and means to overcome this emotions that I am having. about why being a mom to Adi has been hard and that sometimes, i feel like I don't do things the right way.
Here is her list:
Stumbling onto this post by CAROL TUTTLE , has taught me a lot about ways and means to overcome this emotions that I am having. about why being a mom to Adi has been hard and that sometimes, i feel like I don't do things the right way.
Here is her list:
Consider which of these 15 items keeps you from happy parenting. Let them go. Allow yourself to be a happy parent for your child—and yourself!
1. Give up “supposed to”
We were conditioned by our own early family experiences to believe that parenthood or childhood are supposed to look a certain way. But if you hold onto the way things are “supposed” to be, you may miss enjoying how they actually are. Be willing to question what you prioritize as a parent and why.
2. Give up on keeping score
What does your mental score-card keep track of… Which parent does more? Who’s most consistent? Which mom contributes most in your child’s class? Who’s most involved in your homeschool group?
Keeping score wastes energy. Just do what you feel inspired and able to do. Don’t feel obligated by others’ contributions. Don’t obligate them to live up to yours.
3. Give up force
As a parent you have a responsibility to set boundaries. But if a child consistently resists a certain boundary, don’t just force them to comply. Ask yourself and your child, “Why?”
Think of yourself as your child’s trusted and effective guide, not their dictator. When they experience you this way, they’re more likely to listen, which means less struggle and frustration for both of you.
4. Give up yelling
If you’re not a yeller, this one isn’t for you. But if you tend to yell when upset, consider this question: Has yelling strengthened your relationship with your child?
Yelling usually happens in anger and it often frightens and intimidates children. It destroys trust and a child’s feeling of safety. Pay attention to times and circumstances when you yell and then commit to changing those scenarios in the future.
5. Give up your need to look perfect
No such thing as a perfect parent. Embrace your imperfections. Laugh at yourself. The best parents are willing to always learn, change and improve.
6. Give up worry
Compulsive worrying doesn’t make your child any safer. It doesn’t make you any happier. And it teaches your children to live in fear. Release your worries and cultivate gratitude for your child’s safety in the present moment.
7. Give up one-size-fits-all rules
Every child is unique. What works for one won’t always work for another. Certain standard rules apply across the board (for example, everyone needs to speak respectfully). But consider the possibility that being a fair parent doesn’t mean doing the exact same thing in the exact same way for every child.
8. Give up the food fight
If you demand a certain number of bites from your children, you set yourself up for struggle at the table—and you set your children up for struggles with food later in life.
Guide, direct, encourage, and prepare healthy food. Let your child voice their preferences. Focus on healthy overall patterns, rather than forcing a certain regimen at a specific meal.
9. Give up your role as events coordinator
If you feel like parenthood is a treadmill you can’t keep up with, you may be taking too much responsibility for your children’s time. Make plans that are supportive to your children’s development, but don’t map out every minute for them.
Downtime is supportive to many children. Moments of boredom allow children to take responsibility for their own time. Make resources available and then let your children create the experience they want. You’ll all be happier.
10. Give up unhealthy self-sacrifice
As a parent, you generously give love, time, and attention. But you shouldn’t give up your core self just because you’re a parent. When you ignore your basic needs, you teach your children that when they grow up, they shouldn’t take care of themselves.
11. Give up guilt
Parents sometimes fall into the self-sacrifice trap because they feel unnecessary guilt. Guilt can be useful if you use it to recognize where you need to make changes. But overwhelming, paralyzing guilt that makes you feel worthless as a person or parent doesn’t accomplish anything. You are enough, just as you are.
12. Give up one-sided decisions
As the parent, you often have the final say. But you and your child will both be happier if it’s not the only say. When age-appropriate, involve your child in decisions that will affect them. By showing children the decision-making process, you’ll empower them to make their own good decisions in the future.
13. Give up negative messages
So many messages are repeated to children: you’re too loud, you’re too quiet, you ask too many questions, you’re exhausting, you’re demanding, you’re too talkative, you should make more friends, quit moving, speak up, settle down, smile more.
You can comment on the exact same behavior in a positive way. For example, you can see the trait of, “You’re too talkative,” as “You really make friends easily.”
14. Give up your own childhood story
What did you experience that you most want your children to avoid? Being teased at school? Lack of money? Feeling not-enough? Your fears may actually set up that same pattern to be re-created. Don’t trap your children now in your fears of the past. Let them go. Create what you want, not what you don’t want.
15. Give up on giving up
I’ve heard from parents who worry that they’ve damaged their child, or that they’ve made a mistake that will last a lifetime. I’ve said this many times:
It’s never too late to be a better parent.
Whether your children are 4 or 40, they respond to genuine love from their parents. The effects of mistakes may take a little longer to overcome if your child is older, but it’s never impossible to show up as the happy, supportive parent that you are meant to be. Don’t give up! You have everything you need to be a good parent.
Ok, deep breath.
It’s time to let go of whatever keeps you stuck and let the happiness in!
The Child Whisperer empowers parents and children so the whole family is happier and experiences more cooperation. If you haven’t yet read the book yet, get your copy here.
Monday, May 5
Advance Happy Mother's Day to you, tough Momma!
You are the sunlight in my day,
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon,
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.
You are the one who taught me life,
How not to fight, and what is right.
You are the words inside my song,
You are my love, my life, my mom.
You are the one who cares for me,
You are the eyes that help me see.
You are the one who knows me best,
When it's time to have fun and time to rest.
You are the one who has helped me to dream,
You hear my heart and you hear my screams.
Afraid of life but looking for love,
I'm blessed for God sent you from above.
You are my friend, my heart, and my soul
You are the greatest friend I know.
You are the words inside my song,
You are my love, my life, my Mom.
-© Champagne S. Baker
Cook and clean Wash and fold Keep me warm when I am cold |
Walk me here Take me there Mum, you sure are everywhere |
you may have tangible wealth untold caskets of jewels and coffers of gold richer than i you can never be i had a mother - who read to me |
Family Friend Poems
Dear Me: Letter to the 16 year old Me
Sunday, May 4
If you had the opportunity to write to your 16-year-old self, what would you say?
Dear 16 year old Gracina,
I know what you are thinking right at this very moment.
Hmm... I don't even know what to say to you anymore
since you're thinking that you know everything already.
Yes, you are at the Senior year of your highschool life.. yet you are still so
full of dreams and aspirations for the future yet to come.
Well hey! Don't you worry for I have seen the future!
I am here. Smiling as I look over you.
High school life is never easy.
But holds a vital part of your life as you grow and become what you
ought to be...
Thinking about college and the trailing battles ahead is overwhelming.
Don't think too hard!
Think happy thoughts.
Your journal says it all. ^-^
How much you like to take unto having relationships.
Don't rush.
But think about the joy of having to wait for Mr. Right.
What you think about life is not the way it will turn out.
Your heart is vulnerable and not everyone will like you.
Always remember that everyone is gonna hurt you.
You just have to know who is worth all the pain.
Follow your heart and let it guide you.
Trust in the Lord, He will provide and lift you up.
Being a good daughter comes with all sacrifices.
Be the best and never ever give up.
Be the strong person that you should be,
cause everyone is going to depend and look up to you.
Be the greatest big sister that your siblings are going to have.
Although, when you fall be sure to always Learn and Discern.
Love yourself.
As much as i love you.
P.S - just wait till you see your adorable cute lil son's dimples!
Always and forever,
28 year old (chubby face) self - Gracina
What you think about life is not the way it will turn out.
Your heart is vulnerable and not everyone will like you.
Always remember that everyone is gonna hurt you.
You just have to know who is worth all the pain.
Follow your heart and let it guide you.
Trust in the Lord, He will provide and lift you up.
Being a good daughter comes with all sacrifices.
Be the best and never ever give up.
Be the strong person that you should be,
cause everyone is going to depend and look up to you.
Be the greatest big sister that your siblings are going to have.
Although, when you fall be sure to always Learn and Discern.
Love yourself.
As much as i love you.
P.S - just wait till you see your adorable cute lil son's dimples!
Always and forever,
28 year old (chubby face) self - Gracina
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