shameless FOTD + Current Skincare

Wednesday, June 4

hi momsies! pardon for this shameless post. 
i missed blogging about my current skin care, i brought two products yesterday for me to try out, 
really i think i deserve this self love due to the fact that i haven't had enough sleep.

i needed a break. 
and some skin care routine for my haggard face.

i have with me now the clean and clear compact powder, i love that it is only 170 pesos. 
for olay it is roughly 190 pesos.
i think this would get me a long way. wouldn't be bad to try this out and see what effect it has on
my oily face. =)

my current products to try out: OLAY face lotion and Clean and Clear Oil Control Powder

the sponge is a plus for me 

closer look

and of course, the face using these two products:

another angle

how do you find my fotd?
i hope to get favorable results on about a week or two using these products: stay tuned for my detailed review.

View my previous SKIN CARE ROUTINES.

have a great day momsies! and thanks for reading... ♥

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