First out of Town Destination: Enchanted Kingdom

Monday, December 15

Hi Mommsies! How are ya'll doin?
It has been a while and I haven't yet posted any part 2s on the latest blog post series.
Well anyway, sharing with you some of my adventure at the ever famous amusement park in the Philippines found here in Laguna, the Land of the Enchanted -- Enchanted Kingdom.

I have been really meaning to get myself out there. To finally travel.
That was my first time to. Not minding to master my Tagalog speaking skills. I miss this place.

And as I type this blog post, I am still reminiscing the days that I get to spend there.
I guess that's what travelers feel when they get to a place for the first time. It's like the feeling of wonder.
An urge to wander. the thing they call -wanderlust. Now I know how that exactly feels.

It was a moment. A moment in my life that I don't want to miss out.
Although deep down inside, I am badly missing Adi, I miss him so much that very day.
That I was so jealous of the other moms out there with their family, and most specially they are with their kids.

Somehow, I just imagined how it'd feel traveling with him and my hubby. Well, just wishful thinking noh?

Anyways, maybe someday i'd be able to do that. Someday. So, i'll go over and list that down in my bucket list. 

trying out the EKstreme Tower. It had me shaking and it really was a great ride. =) It'll literally lift you out of your seat.

The place was kinda hot so we just waited before riding the other rides. 
Stayed in this spot for quite sometime to cool down. in the picture are my colleagues' children. they are really adorable and they speak fluent english. yeah talk of nosebleed.. =)
with mami zen and gee, my mommy colleagues with their kiddos. photo opp before riding 

a shameless selfie. =) pardon the face though

Shuttle Service Schedule
Check out Day 1

1 comment

  1. hi Danielle. i followed your blog.
    yes its indeed an amazing experience... thanks for dropping by
