Mommy Talks: Pregnancy Tips

Sunday, December 28

Hi Mommsies!

Welcome back. I hope you had a great vacation with your families.
Today, Adi has been really behaved and more of a grown up boy already. He has been showing signs of independence and wants to do things on his own. He has grown a lot. I'm happy and grateful for yet another year coming our way. Having a child is exciting and to me it is but a blessing. 

Having a child is never a joke. And being a mom is never an easy task. I keep on saying that cause it has been 2 years and the times got more and more hectic nowadays. Planning for your family is the best way to outdo it.

Having baby number 2 is well part of it. But both hubby and I decided to have another addition hopefully by the time that we already wed in front of the Altar. Church wedding is on top of our list after we were civilly wed last July.

If you are in your baby planning phase now and wanted some help, well here is the answer to pregnancy woes. 

Some couples who are in their trying to conceive journey may have a hard time getting pregnant. Some of them just don’t know where to has a few steps you can do in order to boost your chances of conceiving. 

1. Track your ovulation. For women, it’s very important to get to know your body. Ovulation is a small window of opportunity that you have where you are most fertile, that could last for about 2-4 days only. You may want to be able to make sure the sperm is able to catch the egg on that short window of opportunity to boost your chances. You can use an ovulation predictor kit, a basal body thermometer or an online ovulation calculator to help you pinpoint your ovulation days. 

2. Protect your sperm. For men, it’s important to keep your sperms healthy by making sure you avoid the sperm killers such as Jacuzzis, saunas and hot tubs as well as using laptops on your lap for a long time. 

3. Stay healthy. Make sure you and your partner get rid of the bad habits like junk foods, smoking and alcohol. Make sure to have fruits and vegetables in your diet, they play an important role in boosting your fertility.

You might want to check out their site for more info and tips including Pregnancy Symptoms, Baby and Toddler Care and much more. They also have tools such as Pregnancy Calculator, Due Date Calculator and Ovulation Calculator to help you track your journey.

Isn't that a breeze?

Happy Planning mommsies! 

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