Baby Number 2: 16 weeks (4months) pregnant

Tuesday, October 6

How Far Along: Week 16 (August 29, 2015)

This is a late post. :)


How far along?  16 weeks (4 months)
Total weight gain/measurements: 128 lbs
Date of Visit: August 29, 2015 at Perpetual Succour Hospital (ultrasound) - OB Check-up (Cortes Gen Hospital)
Blood Pressure: 90/60 
Fundal Height: 30 cm
Baby’s Heart Beat: 150
Maternity clothes:  Bought leggings and maternity dress :)
Stretch marks: Slightly visible
Sleep: Sleep is well. But often get up due to frequent urination but not most of the time.
Best moment this week: Baby ultrasound and heard the heart beat. =)
Miss anything? None as of the moment. 
Movement: None as of the moment.
Food cravings: None as of the moment but i started eating fruits esp peanuts and pineapple and apple, and bananas.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Smoke, nausea and vomitting, dizziness....
Gender:  Not yet known as of the moment.
Labour signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Frequent Urination.
Tummy Changes: Belly Button is still In! Started to see that dark vertical line in my tummy already
Wedding rings: Yes! =)
Mood: Not so moody more of uneasy most of the time due to morning sickness.
Looking forward to: My next prenatal check-up...

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