Today, I wanted to think of things to spruce up my blog a little bit.
I have noticed that I have not come to terms with how I manage this blog but now that I am considering taking a full-time (working from home) status. I shall proceed with probably thinking of better contents for my blog.
As you all know, I started blogging since 2009, and I eventually did not focus on it so much. I just want to find a place where I could release my stress from work and also share my beauty finds and my passion for make-up.
Years has passed, and the blogging world has evolved. It has become an arena of several different things and social media influence has played a vital part on it. Nevertheless, blogging will never grow old (as what I view it) although many people tend to focus more o micro-blogging like twitter, instagram and many more.
When I became a mom, I had apprehensions on sharing my journey to the world through my blog. All I wanted was to make a connection to moms like me. That there is someone out there who's like me. That I was never alone. And that despite I am only new to this motherhood thing - somehow I knew that I had a part to share and that the world will become a better place. I am starting to sound very much like a beauty pageant contestant but that is so true for me.
I like to feature some mommy bloggers like me too!
So I am starting this weekly write -up to begin an awesome adventure where I am hoping to probably meet some mommy bloggers out there.
I know that although I am only starting to explore, I will be blessed with awesome people who will also share their part on this adventure that I am about to take.
I hope to meet all of you very soon!
I have noticed that I have not come to terms with how I manage this blog but now that I am considering taking a full-time (working from home) status. I shall proceed with probably thinking of better contents for my blog.
As you all know, I started blogging since 2009, and I eventually did not focus on it so much. I just want to find a place where I could release my stress from work and also share my beauty finds and my passion for make-up.
Years has passed, and the blogging world has evolved. It has become an arena of several different things and social media influence has played a vital part on it. Nevertheless, blogging will never grow old (as what I view it) although many people tend to focus more o micro-blogging like twitter, instagram and many more.
When I became a mom, I had apprehensions on sharing my journey to the world through my blog. All I wanted was to make a connection to moms like me. That there is someone out there who's like me. That I was never alone. And that despite I am only new to this motherhood thing - somehow I knew that I had a part to share and that the world will become a better place. I am starting to sound very much like a beauty pageant contestant but that is so true for me.
I like to feature some mommy bloggers like me too!
So I am starting this weekly write -up to begin an awesome adventure where I am hoping to probably meet some mommy bloggers out there.
I know that although I am only starting to explore, I will be blessed with awesome people who will also share their part on this adventure that I am about to take.
I hope to meet all of you very soon!

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