3 Things: The "then" Working Nanay that was Me

Sunday, March 27

Happy Easter All! It's been ridiculously 3 months since I left my day job. And boy oh boy I miss the things I loved at work.

my work station. i miss the pics on my shelf too
First off, you might be wondering about why these 3-thingy, I'd like to showcase a list of three things I find amusing, useful or memorable for the week, day or anytime of my freaking awesome life (just kidding) but yeah, 3 things to remember maybe on this blog. So, off the sail I go and start with this random shots from work.

I've said this over and over that it is been my decision to leave my job and be a stay-at-home mom or maybe in a couple of months be a work-at-home mom, but one can't deny the perks of working in an office aside from the comfy chairs and cool aircon (hehe)

 I really love to dress up and put on makeup. So there, I miss my (1.) freaking lipsticks! and maybe my cubicle but really they are the lipsticks in there girl. I know!(I don't know where they are now since this photo was taken like over a year ago). If you are a working mom like me who spends most time in front of a PC, it's my way of bringing life to my pale look. so hashtag lipstick, hashtag LOTD (lipstick of the day) was my thing way back then. lol! I guess, it was my weapon of confidence that I only stopped putting it on when I had my second baby.

i love this scarves to death. i got them at a thrift store here in Cebu

I suddenly miss wearing scarves, of course I can't wear (2.) scarves at home. It's a tropical country and most of the time it's 36 to 39 degrees Celsius from where I live. So, slash the scarves. I remember they were my sort of armor against the cold Conference Rooms, Training Rooms or whatever-rooms include the whatever-corporate situations you find me in. They are there. but not most of the time. Aside that they are comfort, they are a statement. I never knew dressing up was my thing before. I just was simply influenced but I miss wearing them on.

the coffee by the boss. some perks from working

Working is never complete without a shot of hot or cold (3.) Coffee, it just perks you up.

There are a lot of things to miss especially the trainings from which  I can only get from my very awesome day job. I have the best boss and job which I really love I just don't miss these things though: office politics, the toxic co-workers, tight deadlines and missed accuracy or call-outs.

There is always a bad in the good and good in the bad. We just have to learn to live the hell out of it to just SURVIVE. There are a lot of realizations yes. I guess I'll have another chance to do that in my next 3-things-post.


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