Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 8


It's been a quite a journey for me guys. As I recall the moments, and all the mommy posts i made in this blog, I could only imagine the joys, sorrows, moments of doubt and terrible stress and doses of happiness motherhood has brought me.

True. Motherhood changed my whole life, what with the two misfits but still I know we will make it through.

I never thought being a mom is the greatest thing that could happen to me. I have never been my best when I became one.

To all moms out there and my mom readers, thanks for the love.
Cheers to us! Please enjoy this is our day!

Hustling once more.

Hugs and Kisses!
From me Adi and Ami

Being a Mother is learning about the Strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with Fears you didn't know existed. - Linda Wooten

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