How it feels like to have a daughter

Tuesday, November 29

Yes! That is having a daughter. I have always wanted to have a baby girl whom I could deeply connect with. Someone that I could finally call my own. A girl that is a small version of me. My last chance at redeeming myself from my bad experiences before. A second chance at being pretty in all sorts of things. 😄 I never had a very much nice or what you call it worthy childhood as a girl. I never really enjoyed having all the nice dresses and barbie toys. I knew that being a little girl again is impossible and healing my dark past is all I wished for. But now having her is like having this chance of seeing and maybe building another tomorrow that is promising and secure. 

Having a daughter was all I ever wanted. As much as I wanted to dress her up and buy cute little tiny things for her. Seeing her happy and fulfilled one day is all I ever long for.  I love my daughter because she reflects me somehow. I want her to achieve her dreams someday and that she would know that I was always there behind her, that she would know that I always got her back. She is a reflection of my infinite hopes and dreams. And I wanted her to make them all happen. 

Having a daughter to me is like holding a treasure. A treasure that is so fragile that you would not want anyone or anything to get it broken. Having a daughter is like chasing sunsets, you'll never get enough of how amazing her smile is or is her laugh.

Having a daughter is having the best friend you always wanted to have. But for a lifetime. She is truly and indeed my one true friend. My best friend forever. BFF for life. I can't wait to see her grow up and just be there to guide her. See her achieve her dreams and enjoy what life has to offer that I wasn't able to see and I had no chance of experiencing.

To my dearest daughter, 
As you grow older I want you to fly as free as a bird.
Go forth and pursue all your dreams. 
Conquer the universe.
Live your life to the fullest and take chances.
Be confident in making them all come true. But in all these, never forget your worth.
and finally know how much we truly and deeply love you.
Mommy is just here. I love you baby girl.

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