My 2017 Goals

Tuesday, January 31

Last year, I wasn't really able to make some posts for my year 2016. A year has passed, and I could really say that I have gone tougher and stronger.

With 2016 a very trying time for me as a mom and as a wife - a homemaker to a small starting and growing family was like diving into deep water without having to know how to swim. That was how my 2016 last year started.

Those trying moments, I held on to my mom my dad and also my husband. I could not make it alive without them seriously!

I looked up to the sky too! Thinking what the hell have I gone myself into? It was a drastic moment, so this year if ever I will be given the chance, I would like to make small adjustments to my goals and strokes for motivations. I commit myself to growing more cautious on the food that I eat things that I prepare for my kids and family. This year, I commit to a healthy lifestyle most especially that my husband has been recently diagnosed with hypertension. One that is at the verge already so I am practically looking for ways to motivate him too for lifestyle changes. Hopefully, he gets  the drill and then lower his chances of other diseases accompanied by it.

Also this year, our country, the Philippines hosted the ever beautiful Miss Universe and Miss France, Iris Mittinaere won! Yay! She was my bet. Here is some of the quotes from Miss Australia who also happens to have the same definition for success as mine. 😁😁

The first month of 2017 is a very trying time again for us. It's like the things that happened from last year has some small aftershocks on this month to us. 

But hopefully, with the loving grace of God, we can still make it. One thing that I want to focus also for this year aside from health is to focus more on moving. Going around some more with the kids and spending moments with them more. Maybe by February we can do that? Who knows. 

There are a lot of things that I want to achieve this year aside from living a healthy lifestyle, I would liek to switch my travel mode on and spend some time with my kids outdoors. Also, in the plans are growing this blog of mine. It's been 8 years but I still have not reached my goal for this blog so I commit to that this year.

How about you? What are your goals for this year of the Fire Rooster?

Let me know in the comments below.

Stay fab!


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