5 things to a Happier stay-at-Home Mom Life

Wednesday, February 8

It's definitely the Love month, and with a lot of things going on in the world right now I could honestly say that I have come to the point in my life where I no longer feel compelled to spend just so I could be happier and contented in life.

Here is my short list of how I manage to make my life lovelier and better each day (you can try them out too! highly recommended) 😉

  1. start by spending time with the right people - i make my life even better now that i get to spend time with the kids, if you are a mommy reading this i know you can relate. 
  2. start making happiness a daily priority - what I do when life bring me down is very simple, i lean to my family and I pray to God, true life is  not easy now for me but i learn to manage my time and begin my day with a little prayer and count my blessings at the end of the day. it works like magic, try it!
  3. quit comparing your life to others and think through things that matter to you - since i don't tend to forget things that quite easily, i tend to pretend ( i don't even know if that came out okay) i try to pretend that i don't remember those things (it's called brain training), and surprisingly, i forget those bad memories slowly and out of my system. 
  4. make home life even simpler - i love this tip so much, cause by far this is the most effective one! managing my blog with two kids is rough life! that is i try to live in a small space with my family and it really matters to pay attention to have only the things that are important think of it like your top priority and just have that thing cause you certainly can't live without it. 
  5. live for the day - i get overwhelmed with the things around me quite easily so I practice this thinking a lot more. i live for the day. learning only to think and do the things that matter most for that day and learning so much more to focus at accomplishing my tasks for that day. like food for my family, the kid's vitamins, laundry, etc. i do it one step at a time. it surely did helped!
i know it sounds typical but try them out, and you'll thank yourself, your husband and your kids for it. 

to loving, happier moms!
stay fab,


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