Just answer the following questions below and  send us an email at with the (Subject - "Feature me") along with your profile photo, photos of your business or product.

This will serve as a FREE PROMOTION for you and your local business, our team will share your posts on our social media pages on INSTAGRAM  and FACEBOOK. Please include your social media handles and website or shop link if there are any. God Bless!


a. Please provide your name and the name of your business.

b. How long have you been running your business?

Background and Inspiration:

a. What motivated you to start your own business?

b. What is the mission or vision behind your business?

c. Could you briefly describe the products or services your business offers?

Challenges and Lessons:

a. What are some of the biggest challenges you faced as a business owner?

b. How did you overcome those challenges?

c. Can you share a valuable lesson you learned through your business journey?

Success and Achievements:

a. What are some significant milestones or achievements your business has reached?

b. What strategies or factors contributed to your success?

c. How do you measure success in your business?

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback:

a. How do you ensure customer satisfaction in your business?

b. Do you actively seek feedback from your customers? If so, how do you use it to improve your business?

c. Can you share a customer success story or testimonial?

Future Plans and Growth:

a. What are your future plans for your business?

b. Do you have any expansion or diversification plans?

c. How do you stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in your industry?

Advice for Aspiring Business Owners:

a. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own business?

b. What are the key qualities or skills required to be a successful business owner?

c. Is there anything else you would like to share with our audience?

Contact Information:

a. How can interested individuals reach out to you or learn more about your business?

b. Do you have a website or social media profiles that you would like to share?

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