Globe waives data charges on UNICEF’s SaferKidsPH platform to boost fight against online child exploitation
Monday, January 17
I really shaved my head for Jesus!
Saturday, November 20
How to Make Time for Your Marriage When You Have Toddlers
Thursday, November 4
Marriage and toddlers is a tough combo – especially when you have more than one (toddlers that is). Part of parenting is working as a team to teach, love, and care for your kids, the hard part comes when you have to balance that with your love and support for each in marriage. Which makes it difficult to simply make time for your marriage when you have toddlers, much less allow it to flourish.
Luckily, we’re not the first to experience tough times and quiet nights after our toddlers go to bed. The stress of parenting and marriage is a common struggle, which means you shouldn’t feel guilty for experiencing it – and there’s tried and true methods of helping you both push through.
Making Time for Your Marriage and Toddlers
Let’s just say that making time for both is going to involve a lot of balance, effort, and communication. You’ll need to set aside time for date nights, time together, or start new habits – like no phones in bed. Little things make the biggest difference and can reintroduce spontaneity even when you’re tired.
Additionally, you’ll both need to sit down and have a good conversation about why you’re struggling. Do you feel as though one partner is doing “less” than the other? Is the cleaning and caring split? Are you getting enough sleep or eating enough? All can contribute to feelings of dissatisfaction, and while work may not be divided unevenly, communication can typically clarify what one is doing and the other and make you look past the surface of the situation.
Tips for Buying an Old Home
Friday, October 1
Are you thinking about buying your first property? Alternatively, you could be considering purchasing a second home as an investment. In either case, you could be looking at older homes. There are benefits to buying older homes. First, they’re typically going to be cheaper and more affordable. You’ll likely be able to find great prices using a mortgage quote comparison, meaning you can save money for any renovations that need to take place. This should limit the risk that comes with the investment. They might also provide character which some people love. It saves them from purchasing a home that looks like it came out of a cookie-cutter. There’s not a lot of creativity when it comes to modern homes. Some people also argue that older homes were built to a higher standard of quality. However, while there are certainly benefits, you need to be cautious when you make this type of investment. Here’s why.
Revealing a New Life in Jesus ( I Shaved My Head ) Life Update
Wednesday, July 7
Venturing into the unknownGrabeh i never thought i would do this.My faith made me do it.My kids were shocked but im.still their mommaI almost cried when it finally set in that my hair was being shaved!! Faith can move.mountains
Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ! I will answer you in this post since dghan jud ang ga wonder about me going bald.JESUS HAPPENED TO MESince the onset of my depression episode after holy week i will never forget it started around MARCH 24th and the diagnosis of my BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) - a severe mental illness , APril mga first week after na sa holy week. Me and my husband together with my mother, have been praying. and devoting my time sa pag dayeg ug pag worship sa balay and pag rosary every day. it was because my psychologist invited me to a GGB fellowship and there it revealed to me that yes I was in a very dark place. I realized that Jesus is my only savior. I ALMOST COMMITTED SUICIDE because of my depression and I DONT WANT to go back there again. I was depressed for a week or so.Through worship songs and prayer (AUTHENTIC FORM OF PRAYER) like talking really to Jesus the holy spirit nikunsad cya nako because after months of praying and worshipping my inner child ni gawas cya ug ni forgive cya ... MY healing started with FORGIVENESS sa akong trauma. sa mga tawo nga naka cause sa akong TRAUMAas a child. Then nibaot jud sa point on the second month sa among pagcge ug worhsip prayer, niabot na sa point nga mag tan-aw ko sa akong self sa mirror i still feel that im "worldy" and i dont like what i am seeing i felt nga naka hinder ang akong wavy curly hair sa akong devotion - - so i decided to cut if off.JESUS happened to me and my life is not the same now. I AM RENEWED because of his MERCY and GRACE and His LOVE.I am so thankful for JESUS siya ra jud ang naka save nako cya ang nag hatag ug light nako sa akong darkness. HE SAVED mao to cya i will leave you with this bible verse JOHN 12:35 -3635 Then Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. 36 Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.- Thank you to all the people who have showed their love and support ingun c Jesus "Go and Speak" im the LIVING PROOF that HE IS ALIVE. JESUS IS ALIVE AND HE WILL SAVE YOU!
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